
"The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all."
- 2 Corinthians 13:14
Coffee hour at the church is considered to be the "8th sacrament!" Please join us and enjoy some great food,
coffee and company.
Please consider hosting coffee hour - there is a sign-up sheet to the right of the church kitchen arched window. Please see Lynne Evans if you have any questions. The basic requirements are some goodies, either baked or bought, juice for the children, and making coffee (someone will show you how).
The Church of The Holy Name has many talented cooks and organizers, and our fellowship events include church dinners, special receptions, the annual blessing of the animals, and the blessing of the Swampscott Fleet.
- 2 Corinthians 13:14
Coffee hour at the church is considered to be the "8th sacrament!" Please join us and enjoy some great food,
coffee and company.
Please consider hosting coffee hour - there is a sign-up sheet to the right of the church kitchen arched window. Please see Lynne Evans if you have any questions. The basic requirements are some goodies, either baked or bought, juice for the children, and making coffee (someone will show you how).
The Church of The Holy Name has many talented cooks and organizers, and our fellowship events include church dinners, special receptions, the annual blessing of the animals, and the blessing of the Swampscott Fleet.